DeVs: Science or Science-fiction?
New TV Series “Devs”, portrays the relation of science and philosophy; over the quantum physics, determinism and the theory of parallel universes.
“What would you do if you knew what will happen in a second later!”
Probably, you will try to prove that’s not possible, thus, trying to act randomly. Is it possible to behave randomly?
If you watched the Devs, which is new TV series released in 2020, you might realize what scene I’ve been pointing out exactly. It’s always a discussion and a dilemma for humans to what if we really know the future.
Right here, the Devs gives you a chance to think about this and also other concepts like parallel universe theory, after life and quantum technology (in a deterministic way).
The story is constructed on a technology company, which is Amaya, and its development (!) department, but this department unusually is not working on a product to be marketed, or regarding any interest of marketing but… understanding the everything by developing quantum computers. By considering the opportunities of quantum science, this development team, by the lead of CEO, aims to develop a quantum computer that made able to see past events (ranging from crucifixion of Jesus to private life of Marilyn Monroe). If a machine had been able to predict human behaviors under the condition of having enough information, can it also foresee future? The show says ‘yes’…and here it starts.
At the first glance, the show offers a convincing subject. Although, some of the episodes are not catchy at all, I wanted to see how the story will have been linked to two unrelated (!) area which are quantum computing as well as deterministic approach. By saying them as ‘two unrelated areas’, I meant, one of them is based upon randomness, on the other hand, the other one is based upon strict rules, a better say, an extreme fatalism belief. As we can see, in essence, they are opposite areas each other. Thus, the effort of the show is really promising.
o Scientific Perspective → Quantum Computing
o Philosophical Perspective → Deterministic approach
The rest of the paper has divided two part, first, I’m going to show some research I’ve done regarding conflict amid Google and IBM on the subject of “quantum supremacy” which has occurred recently and then philosophical aspects of the show. In doing so, we won’t have only been stuck to philosophical aspects of the show rather than we’ll have chance to handle whole show at once.
“Quantum theory and determinism usually do not go together. A natural combination is quantum theory and randomness.”(Vaidman, 2014)
“Discovering, Nature is Indeterministic.”
Since discovering the quantum world we’ve begun to realize nature is indeterministic. The findings on the quantum world reveal subatomic particles are able to be different places in the exact same moment, also, could be different forms, unlike the world we know. To make it simpler; as we know particles can be whether “1” or “0” in a moment of time, whereas, in the quantum world physics, things get more complex, like a particle might be “1” or “0” at the same time here, indeed, in a different place as well.
Google has published an article that claims “Quantum Supremacy” is achieved but what does “quantum supremacy” mean exactly. Scientists were argued their quantum computers can solve a problem which would take approximately 10,000 years in an electric computer, is only take 200 seconds. Can you imagine it… Ancestor of our electric based computers, which is Turing machine, was able to obtain Enigma Code’s in 20 minutes, however, this was about the 14–50 hours at the beginning (Williams, 1998). And today’s computers can solve the Enigma Code in less than 1 minute, right now, we are comparing 10.000 years and 200 seconds, isn’t it fascinating?
Despite of the Google’s this argument, IBM refused it and IBM handle the title of the company is outnumbered everyone else by carrying quantum computers in the industry. So, this gives them opportunity to being authority in quantum computing side, it’s not possible IBM said since quantum computers needs more data and in against to traditional computers ones and zeros, quantum computers work with qubits which could be zero and one at the same time. Therefore, quantum computers give you many possible solutions instead of one (Koetsier, 2019). In a nutshell, according to a conducted research by IBM, it shows that solving this kind of problem would still take 2,5 days through quantum computers, hence, quantum supremacy which have been argued by Google is not reflects the truth.
The notion of the quantum computer is not new but still, mysterious and futuristic as nobody has a common agreement on what are the bounds of quantum computing. Therefore, determining its limits or every discovery in this area has done/will do, also, means shedding a light on humankind, indeed, a discovery through humankind itself.
I recommend you to make more research about quantum computing while watching the series. Otherwise, you may be stuck only on the philosophical or religious side of the show without understanding the fundamental conflict between science- philosophy- religion triangle.
“Life is on a tram line”
Let’s back to our first question, what would you do, if you knew your next move? The show insists on convincing us to every breath, every move, every fall is related to cause and effect principle and even we think about our free will, there is no free will. In other say, life is like a tram line that we can neither change nor control.
This fanatic deterministic approach is maintained by the quantum computer’s calculations all the movies long. Still, it leaves an open door, but if one of the system’s gears is worn, other gears lead the system to spin, that is, to the absolute end. It means, a cause might be change and might be infected many other external forces but whatever happens, it takes you to the absolute end.
“If you give enough data, you may predict the future”
So, what it represents in the real world, does it mean whether we are living in an illusion or everything is meaningless? Actually, series persuade us to live with it, it might be whether an illusion or not. While watching Devs, you will be convinced that we are not able what is reality, however, reality is there even without our knowledge on that. Thus, reality is a thing you see, touch and think.
Koetsier, J. (2019, October 23). IBM: Google’s ‘Quantum Supremacy’ Claim Is Wrong — 150 Million Percent Wrong (Seriously). Retrieved from Forbes:
Williams, C. P. (1998). Explorations in Quantum Computing. (D. Gries, & F. B. Scheider, Eds.) New York: Springer- Verlag.
Vaidman, L. (2014). Quantum Theort and determinism. Quantum Studies: Math. Found. 1:5- 38. DOI 10.1007/s40509–014–0008–4