Nagorno-Karabakh War and Involvement of Turkey:

Fırat Berk
6 min readNov 20, 2020


In the scope of two partisan media outlet

A news from Yeni Akit, click here to see more.

Two opposite, partisan news channels (!)

Yeni Akit and Sözcü are merely two of the well-known partisan newspapers in Turkey, also, in opposite of themselves. Sözcü define and place itself in a Secular, Kemalist, and somehow leftist line. On the contrary, Yeni Akit is fundamentalist and radically conservative. Most people believe they have been in inverse relation all the time, despite the common view, in some cases those channels may have affinity either. Since anchor of two ideologies, might overlap in the “nationalist feelings”, although adherents of Yeni Akit is doing it due to their nominal leader Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s political trajectory, this kind of affinity takes place time to time.


At the first stage, some proponents of mainstream ideologies in Turkey was examined and, in this case, it’s been found, different framing and setting agenda techniques have been using efficiently by those proponents. Therefore, two of the partisan media organization in Turkey, Yeni Akit and Sözcü, is selected.

With researching the Armenia- Azerbaijan keywords, the dates between 07.13.20- 11.06.20, 441 records were found among the 1.991.978 news in National News category.

In the continuing process of the inquiry, the results between newspapers, which describes themselves as the opposite itself, only 18 related news had been found of Sözcü, on the other hand, 32 for the Yeni Akit.[1]

By considering the possible variables might make a little difference in the results, has been checked; and haven’t seen an obtainable variance on the ratio of 18 to 32 at first glance.

Subsequently, I’ve tried to examine the differences, if there any, and evaluate that news regarding the diagnostic and prognostic frames.

Diagnoses and Prognosis Regarding News

After all, evaluation and reading process (total thirteen news, nine from Yeni Akit and four from Sözcü but I’m going to put most related articles) I’ve found some major themes had been set by the editors/organizations. It wouldn’t be surprising, nor confusing to say both Yeni Akit and Sözcü reinforce different frames, nonetheless, in a familiar agenda-setting technique and solution offers. Some of the popular subjects I obtained was: 1) unjust attitude of the Armenia in the region, 2) accusing proponents of Armenia and thus isolating Armenia, 3) Righteous stand of Turkey 4) Depicting Turkey and Azerbaijan as one united country, all subjects above are in common for both newspaper, except, first and fifth ones were more obvious in Sözcü.

Before not going so far, I want to clarify that some of the diagnosis and prognosis are explicitly bearing familiarities and affinities when things come to common interest between two. While doing that with selection of words and pictures some substantial differences occur in diagnosis, nevertheless, the prognosis, in other words solutions, remains same for both counts.

After here, I’m to share each article and then listing them regarding diagnostic-prognostic frame; we’ll be summarizing elaborately onto findings in the conclusion section.

“Kafkasların Haydut Ülkesi” article is published on November 3rd in Yeni Akit. The theme they used is “injustice”, diagnosis in here was Armenia and proponents -the rest of the world- had allegedly taken agitator manner against Turkic states in Caucasia. The solution offer they made in doing so was, preventing and stopping the help other countries have been doing as well as a powerful Turkish will in Caucasia and the Middle East. (Image.1)

“Dillerinde Yalan Ellerinde Kan Var” is published on October 8th in Yeni Akit. The theme here is again “injustice”, but this time including Western countries Iran and Russia, specifically. Diagnosis is here how hypocrite is countries above, also, the deep desire was legitimizing selling weapons to Azerbaijan. Prognosis, as you can understand, is the legitimization of selling the weapon to them since we played according to the book despite them. Thus, stop selling any weapon to Armenia. (Image.2)

“Ermenilerin Ağlaşmaları Destekçilerini Bile Bıktırdı” is published on October 2nd in Yeni Akit. Here two themes are evident “isolating Armenia in Caucasian” due to “unjust manners of Armenia and Western countries”. The stressing problem here is backups of Armenia in this war even they are on the verge of fed up with Armenia. Supporters would stop reinforcing Armenia against Azerbaijan and draw from the Caucasian soils. (Image.3)

“Ermenistan Rusya’yı Madara Etti” is published on October 20th in Yeni Akit. It includes, again, participants of the war and thus framing the article. The problem according to the theme here is Azerbaijan (and Turkey) fight against the most powerful countries like Russia and EU countries. Still, Russia determines the rules of war, but Armenia wants much more help, what Russia has ever offered so far. The prognosis of the article is the involvement of Turkey; can help its brother country legally. (Image.4)

“Zaferden Sonra Türkiye Güç Merkezi Olacak” is published on September 17th in Yeni Akit. The key theme here is the “profit of war” genuinely. Diagnosis, I’ve obtained, is with the defeat of Armenia (and of course its supporters) Turkey will be the power center of the region. Therefore, prognosis is, Azerbaijan should be supported until it ends. (Image.5)

“Benim En Büyük Hayalim Türkiye ile Azerbaycan’ı Tek Devlet Görmek” published on October 23rd in Sözcü. The theme of the article is “nationalist” united Turkish states will. By referring that diagnosis is becoming a power center in our regions, before that we should stand with Azerbaijan whatever it takes. So, the prognosis, I inferred was a united Turkish confederation. (Image.6)

“Ermenistan Sivilleri Vurdu: Ankara Tek Yürek” titled article, published on September 28th in Sözcü. The theme here is “brotherhood” it’s reinforced with the attached photograph to news. Diagnosis “us” to “them”, that is to say, the coalition of Turkic states versus enemies of “Turks”. In order to prevent any kind of attack we should stan together. (Image.7)

At last, “Ak Partiden Provokasyon Uyarısı” and “Ermeni Vatandaşlara Tacize İzin Vermeyiz” titled news are sourced from same speech of a person and I found it interesting as one side is framing the warning but still stress out the hazardous of Armenian treat, on the other hand, other articulates what they want to frame either.


After all the explanation regarding diagnostic and prognostic frames, I obtained there is several objectives whilst setting-agenda and framing processes in case of both newspapers. As I told before though, their ideologies deep-down tend to overlap, hence, observations above indicate that attitude and maybe proof of “nationalist” resonance.

Whilst, Yeni Akit is often setting an agenda as to aid of foreign countries, an unjust invasion of Armenia and fellowship of Turkic countries, the Sözcü brings up the idea of a common Turkish state through fraternity and unity in most of his news. Yeni Akit, which usually prefers an aggressive agenda for creating languages, but generally limited to use visual legitimacy of Turkey’s stance on the content of the text is highlighted. On the other hand, military and war visuals are more ahead in the Sözcü; and it is more likely to see both countries image altogether, for example, putting each countries’ flag side by side. While the spokesperson focuses on a solution proposal on a single issue, Yeni Akit offers more than one within their ideological framework.



Fırat Berk
Fırat Berk

Written by Fırat Berk

Media and Com. & PR student, digital content creator, part-time video editor.

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